btw, below are our sponsors who helped us to make this all possible (thank you! thank you!): (in no particular order) - billabong surf school (our partner) - jas surfershop - stoked inc. - la union surf club - antonov vodka (san miguel's) - team kuzbax - aloha board shorts - swordfish - sanuk - posers ..... and a lot more! p.s. for more details: |
Thursday, January 31, 2008
travel factor's first surfing competition!
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
another cooking moment.....
it's one of those days again when i'm craving for a lot of things............... but this time i'm not really craving for this dish but i just suddenly felt like cooking it..............
to your left are the ingredients.......... potatoes, red and green bell pepper, tomatoe sauce, red onions, garlic...........
to your left is how the chicken would look like after sauteing the chicken with the onion and garlic..........
can you now guess what i'm cooking? no? c'mon....... potatoes, tomatoe sauce, green and red bell pepper?
here's the finish product and my dinner for today......
yep, it's chicken afritada......
here's the complete recipe:
Chicken Afritada Ingredients:
1 kilo chicken, cut into pieces
5 pieces potatoes, peeled and halved
1 red onion, diced
1 head garlic, minced
1 green bell pepper, sliced into strips
1 red bell pepper, sliced into strips
2 cups pork or chicken stock (broth)
1 cup tomato sauce
2 tablespoons of patis (fish sauce)
3 tablespoons of cooking oil
Chicken Afritada Cooking Instructions:
In a cooking pot or wok, heat oil.
Sauté garlic and onions.
Add chicken and slightly brown.
Pour the tomato sauce and stock.
Bring to a boil and allow to simmer for 20 minutes or until the chicken is almost cooked.
Add potatoes and continue to cook for 10 minutes or until the potatoes are cooked.
Add the green and red bell peppers, simmer for an additional minute or two.
Salt and pepper to taste
Serve hot with rice.
Photoholic '08: Anawangin Cove - Capones Island - Camara Island ...kaya mo pa?!
once again travel factor will take you to undiscovered places in the philippines....*** 5 slots available as of Jan 28 ***
Anawangin Cove - Capones Island - Camara Island
February 23 to 25, 2008
PACKAGE PRICE: P3,200 per pax
- private van transfer (manila-zambales-manila)
- all boat transfers
- tent accommodation at Anawangin Cove
- camp meals (dinner on day 1, breakfast & lunch on day 2, breakfast on day 3)
- 1 night air-con room accommodation at Canoe Beach Resort (5-pax sharing)
- environmental fees, registration fees, local guides
- free use of swimming pool and other amenities at the resort
for more information please visit:
get inside ayeen's mind...
this is cute..... and this is sooo me, lol...
comments in * *
When she walks away from you mad [ Follow her ]
When she stare's at your mouth [ Kiss her ]
When she pushes you or hit's you [ Grab her and dont let go ]
When she start's cussing at you [ Kiss her and tell her you love her ]
When she's quiet [ Ask her whats wrong ]
When she ignore's you [ Give her your attention ]
When she pull's away [ Pull her back ]
When you see her at her worst [ Tell her she's beautiful ]
When you see her start crying [Just hold her and dont say a word ]
When you see her walking [ Sneak up and hug her waist from behind ] *i like this*
When she's scared [ Protect her ]
When she lay's her head on your shoulder [ Tilt her head up and kiss her ] *nah, i'd rather that u just kiss my head :P , landi...*
When she steal's your favorite hat [ Let her keep it and sleep with it for a night]
When she tease's you [ Tease her back and make her laugh ]
When she doesnt answer for a long time [ reassure her that everything is okay ]
When she look's at you with doubt [ Back yourself up ]
When she say's that she like's you [ she really does more than you could understand ] *yeah! true! lol*
When she grab's at your hands [ Hold her's and play with her fingers ] *i like this soo much*
When she bump's into you [ bump into her back and make her laugh ]
When she tell's you a secret [ keep it safe and untold ] *or i'll knock you out, lol*
When she looks at you in your eyes [ dont look away until she does ]
When she misses you [ she's hurting inside ] *even if i'm too proud to admit it*
When you break her heart [ the pain never really goes away ] *but heck, i won't tell you*
When she says its over [ she still wants you to be hers ] *well, i told you im complicated*
When she repost this [ she wants you to read it ] *hahaha, ofcourse i want you to see this*
- Stay on the phone with her even if shes not saying anything.
- When she's mad hug her tight and don't let go
- When she says she's ok dont believe it, talk with her
- because 10 yrs later she'll remember you
- Call her at 12:00am on her birthday to tell her you love her
- Call her before you sleep and after you wake up - *not really mandatory for me*
- Treat her like she's all that matters to you. - *hmm, i'm not demanding but i wont complain if someone does this*
- Tease her and let her tease you back.
- Stay up all night with her when she's sick.
- Watch her favorite movie with her or her favorite show even if you think its stupid.
- Let her wear your clothes. - *can i? lol*
- When she's bored and sad, hang out with her. - *yeah, and let's go to hooters! lol*
- Kiss her in the pouring rain. - *hmm.... im not sure if i like this, i don't like public display of affection, hehe*
- When she runs up at you crying, the first thing you say is; 'Who's ass am I kicking babe?' - *yeah, boy!*
Monday, January 28, 2008
a better way to travel...
yeah, i know, i know....i'm supposed to be working but look what i found from krissy's site
i registered already.... hehe..
Friday, January 25, 2008
because i'm complicated....
i don't want to promise a tomorrow but i can promise the now......... i am a now person......... i live in the present........ i take it one day at a time but that gets me in trouble too.........
they say life is what we make it and i like what i have done with my life, so far, i think........... i have no complains actually, i'm enjoying every bit of it........... the problem is i'm "over enjoying" some things.......... gawd, i wish i can ellaborate but i can only give vague hints......
i wish i know myself......... i wish i know what i really want.......... i wish i'm not complicated..... i change my mind as soon as i make my decision........ i'm such a push over sometimes and my weakness doesn't help........
i'm trying to be normal but i don't know why i can't........ hmm, you know what, i take that back.....maybe i can but i just don't want to.........
this really sounds like me (sorry if i have to post this again)...... well, except that part about getting back someone....
I wish I could change
I wish I could change
I wish I could stop
Sayin the same old things
I wish I could be
Who u want me 2 be
I wish I could stop
Being the same old me
I wish I could lose
All of my blues
I wish I could stop
Puttin my blues on u
I wish I could love
Like nobody loves
I wish that my goods
Outweighed my bads enough
Theres no way Theres no way Theres no way
I can get back that girl
Cause Im too complicated
And shes not complicated
But Im too complicated
I wish I could change
I wish I could change
I wish I could stop
Placing the blame
I cant stop it
I cant break down
I cant drop it
cant see how
I wish I could lose
All of my blues
I wish I could stop
Puttin my blues on u
I wish I could love
I wish that my goods
Outweighed my bads enough
You know its killin' me
Baby how can I let u go
Suddenly theres nothing I need more
Theres no way Theres no way Theres no way
I can get back that girl
Thursday, January 24, 2008
philadelphia through a friend's eyes
two friends of mine (marie and russ) visited me here, which now i call second home, in philadelphia last thanksgiving and my best buddy here in philly and i toured them around...... my friend marie loves to chronicle her travels and i love reading her travel blogs because she can make you feel like you were there with her when she tells her stories......... here's what she has to say about her visit in philadelphia:
her travel blog is at:
the search is not yet over.....
found an alternative dining table that costs less....
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for $168 compared to 300++ that previously liked | i want the white version of this but coz it's cheaper but it's gone...huhuhu... | this is so neat! but it's $509.99.... hayy....still expensive...... but atleast it's a set....the chairs are included...... just the chairs would cost me $ 224 for a set of 4........ but these chairs won't look good w/ the 1st or the 2nd table....... they would look crowded...... too much blacks going on......... so this table here is perfect, it kinda blends in...... doesn't look crowded........ hmmmm.... i just really wish i have a tax |
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
are you gonna stay with the one who loves you, or are you goin' back to the one you love?
I know you need a friend, someone you can talk to
Who will understand what you're going through
When it comes to love, there's no easy answer
Only you can say what you're gonna do
I heard you on the phone, you took his number
Said you weren't alone, but you'd call him soon
Isn't he the guy, the guy who left you cryin'?
Isn't he the one who made you blue?
When you remember those nights in his arms
You know you gotta make up your mind
Are you gonna stay with the one who loves you
Or are you goin' back to the one you love?
Someone's gonna cry when they know they've lost you
Someone's gonna thank the stars above
What you gonna say when he comes over?
There's no easy way to see this through
All the broken dreams, all the disappointment
Oh girl, what you gonna do?
Your heart keeps sayin' it's just not fair
But still you gotta make up your mind
Are you gonna stay with the one who loves you
Or are you goin' back to the one you love?
Someone's gonna cry when they know they've lost you
Someone's gonna thank the stars above
by glenn frey
listen to the song here --->
let's eat on the floor...
i'm still looking for a nice dining table..... i want a glass top because, my interior desing style is modern contemporary....... and i want glass because it creates an illusion of space so i don't have to worry about my room looking cluttered........ but the tables i see are expensive..... hayy, i think i just have to settle with my kitchen counter :-P
![]() hayy.... i want this dining set.... but just the table costs 395 already.... asar naman! i wonder how much the chair costs.... here it is: |
![]() i like this one too....but this is way out of my league! 1,325??! no way! : |
Monday, January 21, 2008
could someone hit me over the head..
i am stubborn and i am not proud of that....
and sometimes a bump on the head is all i need to shake my sleeping brain cells and make me realize "things".......
Sunday, January 20, 2008
san ikorek na di ba? lol
syempre hindi mapakali di ba? so nag-email ako..... e kasi naman hindi ko mapagmalaki sa tatay ko dahil hindi pangalan ko yung andun, lol...
Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2008 10:28:54 +0800
Subject: Re: BusinessWorld Online: Contact Us
From: "Charisse Pascual" <> Add to Address Book Add Mobile Alert
To: "Marlin Cruz" <>
Dear Ms. Cruz,
Thank you for your e-mail.
We have already forwarded your e-mail to our Special Features group. They regret the error and will make sure that it won't happen again.
Please e-mail us again if you have other concerns.
Charisse Pascual
Associate, Non-Traditional Media Group
BusinessWorld Publishing Corporation
95 Balete Drive Ext., New Manila,
Quezon City 1113 Philippines
Trunkline: (632)535-9901 loc 711
Fax No.: (632)535-9926
on 1/17/2008 10:15 PM, Marlin Cruz at wrote:
Message Type: Corrections/complaints
Re: Gear up and Go
Marlin Cruz wrote:
I\'m one of the owners of Travel Factor. Thank you so much for the wonderful write up. We love it! Just a tiny correction though, my name was misspelled, it should be MarLIN not Mareen. Other than that everything is cool.
Thank you so much.
Halika byahe tayo!
- Marlin Cruz
Thursday, January 17, 2008
professionals by day, and adventure daredevils by night
we made it to the businessworld's entreprenews..... here's what it says...
"Cyberspace might have brought them together, but it was the wild outdoors that made them a team. Michelle Tan, Leia Nagal, Mareen Cruz [they misspelled my name!! grrrr], Reg Mamaril and Jasper Santos all lead double-lives as information technology professionals by day, and adventure daredevils by night.
All are in their 20s, all have a degree in computer science, and all have a stake in the popular sports and adventure outfitter, Travel Factor. "Leia, Mareen and I started out as online buddies, sharing local travel tips in different blogs and fora, back in 2005," says Michelle Tan. "
for the complete article visit this link ->
i'm proud of my partners!!!
and thank you everyone who trusted us and joined our trips.....
because of this article we are receiving business partnership proposals from outside the philippines.... thank you LORD!
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
some strange alarm clocks...
i'm looking for a cute alarm clock because i've been using my nokia 6610i as alarm clock ever since i got here in the u.s. here's what i found interesting so far...
We all remember the days when you could just hit the snooze button a few more times, these days waking up requires a bit more work. This fun little puzzle alarm clock works like any other morning alarm, except that when it goes off, it fires these puzzle pieces into the air. Oh and by the way, the alarm clock doesn’t stop going off until you find all of the pieces and put them back together. Should be a fun project when you are half asleep. You can get one of these online at com for $67 |
..........67!!! are you kidding me!?
This one is for you to chase down when you rise and shine. The flying alarm clock, starts going off like any other alar, that is until the top portion flies off the base and lands somewhere in your room. The alarm will not stop going off until you find the piece that flew off and place it back onto the base. If you are a sucker for punishment you can get one of these at for $71 dollars. ...... |
.............. sheesh, $71?! what on earth??!! these things are giving me a heart attack.....
| Pretty much like any other alarm clock, oh except that it’s powered by good ol’ water. Just fill the reservoir and this clock is set to run for two or three months before it needs a refill. This product also has a built in countdown timer and thermometer. You can get one online at for $23 dollars. |

![]() | One of the biggest reasons I originally wanted to work at home was to get rid of my old alarm clock, I hate them. I can’t stand being woken up in the morning and this little gadget makes the process even worse. For those of you that just can’t help but hit the snooze button every morning, this alarm clock is for you. It works like any other alarm but when you hit the snooze button it jumps off the night stand and cruises around your bedroom finding a place to hide. Once it stops moving, the alarm goes off again until you crawl out of bed, find the clock and shut it off. This alarm clock was also featured in 8 Strange Gadgets We Can All Live Without. It is available online for $50 dollars at | this is for me.... i love hitting the snooze button and this would surely annoy the hell out of me and this would surely wake me up...... lol
Nope. No photoshop trick here. The time on this clock seems to mysteriously appear on its smooth wooden surface. But it is in fact being shone through a layer of wood that is very thin. With no visible controls and buttons, the clock is perfect for minimalist lovers. |
i kinda like this....but it's out of stock and i don't know how much this is.... you can check more technical details here....
![]() | Sight, Sound and Scent Alarm Clock Thirty-minutes before your wake-up time, the light on this clock gradually brightens, while releasing faint aromatherapy scents and producing soft nature sounds. And finally at the set time, a buzzer sounds to make sure you wake up. If the combined “sight”, “sound” and “scent” is still unable to wake up you, I guess an extra “kick” from your family members would be required. Get the Hammacher Schlemmer Peaceful Progression Wake Up Clock | this i kinda like... but it costs $49...oh boy, next!
![]() | i'm buying this one instead ![]() Each function has its own LED backlit display color. Choose from time, temperature, date/day, timer or alarm function. Temperature can be viewed in degrees Fahrenheit or Celsius. Timer function has a maximum 3-hour countdown. Requires three AAA batteries, not included. Imported. Egg Clock Original: $20.00 Sale: $4.99 |
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
house warming? yes or no?
someone asked me if i'll be having a house warming soon and that i should post my wish list so here it is :P (but i still dunno if i'll throw a housewarming party :-P):
1. fire extinguiser
2. a glass weighing scale (like this)
3. DVDs
4. comforters
5. throw pillow case (theme is black, white, red)
6. foldable stool for reaching out hard to reach items on my shelf
7. black salad/chips bowls
8. and some items from ikea, see below :-P
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shoe box from ikea by trones - $39.99 | decor (couple) from ikea by synops - $19.99 | decor (dancing ) from ikea by synops - $9.99 | mirror from ikea by krabb - $19.99 |
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table lamp from ikea by antifoni - $24.99 | rattan stool from ikea by alseda - $29.99 (i need as extra sitting in the living room and 4 for my dinner table, if i decide to get a dinner table :-P) | you still want me to throw a house warming party? LOL
Monday, January 14, 2008
i just want to share this.....
this was sent to me by one of my sis from SFC.....

Joey Velasco, a Filipino painter made a twist out of this picture.In his painting,he chose 11 street kids who portrayed as Jesus' disciples.Each kids has their own story to tell.
Watch the video and find out how he came up with the 12th disciple he called "Sudan",how they changed his life,and how it will touch you. Be blessed!
Sa Kambas ng Lipunan (with English subtitle)
Sunday, January 13, 2008
philippine embassy in new york...
my passport will expire in a few months so i filed a leave last thursday to go to new york..... yeah, yeah, i know i could just mail them my old passport and the forms and a self-addressed "trackable" envelope but i dunno, i just am not comfortable sending my passport thru mail so i just went to the philippine embassy in new york to apply personally..... plus if i do it by mail i need to notarize all the photocopies and i dunno how and where to do it and besides it's always fun to go to new york........ i love people-watching in new york........ they just dress so nice.........
anyway, so i paid $60 for 64 pages......... i just have a feeling i'll be doing a lot of travelling from this year until my passport expires (2013) so i thought, yeah, i would need those extra pages, haha, wishful thinking :-P but hey, who knows......... but i so wanna go to florence and vatican and paris.......
geez, i keep anyway, i woke up very early (5am), called for a cab at 5:30am. cab arrived around 5:45am. was in the train station around 6am. got into a train going to center city (septa, R5) at 6:15. then i have to take a train (septa again, R7) to NJ-trenton station and then a train to new york penn station (njtransit - nec). i arrived at trenton around 8am and i reached new york around 9am something. i just walked from the penn station (32nd and 7th) to the 45th. i love walking in new york. when i reached 45th i turned right to go to 5th ave. and looked for the philippine embassy's building....
when i got there i was welcomed by a manong guard...asked what my purpose is, asked for my passport and listed my name and told me to go to the 3rd floor.... this is the first time i'm going to renew my passport..... i usually just give my passport to travel agencies because i don't want to go to DFA and fall in line, yeah, i'm lazy :-P..... anyway, when i got to the third floor there was a lady infront of the "passport" window so i waited behind her and when it was my turn the lady was kind of surprised and asked for my number, yeah, you need to get a number. so i went to get my number sat down and waited. it's a good thing i read the new york philippine embassy's website over and over to check for the requirements for passport renewal before i went to new york so i don't have to fall in line for the copy machine......i was hearing complaints that they should have posted that requirement on their website, well, it is on their website, how else were i able to find out that they need photocopies of such and such pages and documents. anyway, i waited for like 20 minutes i guess... when it was my turn i just gave them all the dox they need plus my old passport.... the lady in the "passport" window saw my self-addressed envelope so she asked me if i want my passport mailed to me and i said yes..... but actually i can get my new passport the next day (friday afternoon) but there's no way i could file a leave again and go back to new york and besides, i also read on their website that i can have them mail my passport as long as i'll give them a self-addressed envelope with tracking number....i paid $16 for the special 1-day delivery self-addressed envelope at usps near my office...... then i paid $60 to the cashier and that's it...... i walked back to the train station (penn station) and catched my 11:00 am train to trenton (nj).....
it was funny that i spent a lot of time travelling (6 hours) and just a lil over an hour in new york..... i really like going to new york (yeah i know, i sound like a broken record, )..... i'm really a city person..... i realized i don't want to live in north carolina anymore....
and oh, i received my new passport saturday morning.... i went to the embassy thursday...... i wish it's that fast too if you're in the philippines.....
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
all gone...but i'm happy...
yep, the $100 amazon gift certificate is all gone but i'm extremely happy.... i put it in good use..... here are my purchases...from recent to oldest.... item 5 & 6: you all know by now that i am a country music lover because of keith urban and that i am a BIG FAN of keith urban (i wanna marry him :-P) so yeah i bought those two audio and dvd of his......
item 3: and...well, yeah..... i'm OC, anal retentive, neat freak, i bought that handy vacuum cleaner so i could scoop those nasty dust anytime without having to roll down the long cords of my vacuum cleaner and without having to carry that bulky vacuum cleaner that i have item 2: and you also all know that i LOVE eating and yes, i love anything grilled and bbqued so i bought this grill/griddle..... so i could grill all i want......and the nice thing about this baby is it's "seasoned" yeah, it's ready to use! i'm grilling pork chop this weekend.... and some asparagus wrapped in bacon...... yummy! item 1: and yeah, i'm a self-proclaimed artist, LOL..... so i bought this photography book....... not much photos like that in the cover though...... i was kinda hoping i'll see nudes and landscapes "blended" together like this cover picture but to no avail..... they just have few nude photos..... good thing i just bought the used version...... i might be better off if i purchased a book by ansel adams instead (yep, fan of b/w photos here) |
on another news......
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | my apartment is almost complete.... i mean the furnitures i need for my apartment...... i have bar stools to use for my kitchen counter........ i'm thinking of not buying a dining table anymore because it would just be me eating alone all the time, anyway......... well, me and some occassional visitors............ i had my friends dex and don from SFC to help me get the futon i ordered online at walmart (i ordered futon instead of just couch just in case i have visitors sleeping over)...... my bed frame is complete but i haven't assembled it yet..... it came in 3 packages (slats, headboard and lastly the frame)..... the frame arrived just yesterday....... i bought a tv stand at bed bath and beyond last night..... and bought a philips 19" panel flat tv today..... yeah, just a small one...... i'm not a tv person, i'd rather read (that's why i have looots of books) or surf online ...... and i'd rather invest on a good speaker set for my music ......... |
remember that something i blogged about that i said i was going thru something? God is really good, He helped me get through it........ that something is about my back wage....... and that's what i used to buy things for my apartment....... i'm having our house back home renovated too.....
thank you, thank you Lord! bait-bait nya talaga kahit pasaway pa rin ako :-P
Monday, January 07, 2008
i want something to keep me company--permanently...
i want a guitar.... i left mine back home that someone special gave to me as gift before....i'm thinking of getting this one (see left).... it's a takamine GS330S acoustic guitar..... i have seen and tried this when i went to sam ash at franklin mills in philly...... what do you think?
right now i'm only using a guitar that i borrowed from a bro at SFC..... works for me, but i would need to buy my own soon...... say, after 3 months? i need a guitar that would keep me company permanently or atleast it should last long......
here's the specs of that guitar ...
Thursday, January 03, 2008
going loco over sumthin'
i sold my nikon d70 before i left the philippines..... why? because i found out that i wasn't the 2nd owner, i was the third and the price is depreciating so fast (because of the d70S)............ besides, i want to upgrade and i want a brand new i thought why not, i'll sell it and just buy one when i get here........... problem is, i don't have my dslr up to now and i swear i'll go crazy if i still don't have one before mid of this year.....
i'm seriously thinking of getting a d80....... although i would love a d200 or heck, a d300.....but--- nah, i'm not a pro yet to splurge on those expensive babies so i'll stick with d80...... so yeah, d80 it is!
i also decided to not get the d80 kit lens (don't like the kit lens) but just to get the body and now i'm mooning over these lenses:
1. Nikon 18-200mm f/3.5-5.6 G ED-IF AF-S VR DX Zoom-Nikkor Lens....yep, special emphasis on the VR because i'm "pasmado"..... it would be nice to shoot pix without having to mount your camera on a tripod all the time specially if it's a spur of the moment shots...... but it's so expensive! $680. almost the same price as nikon d80's body ($781)......
hmm..... maybe not.... or...... mayyyyyybe soon..... i'll go for these two instead:
2. Nikon 60mm f/2.8D AF Micro-Nikkor Lens for Nikon Digital SLR Cameras because i love macro shots ($380)
3. Nikon 55-200mm f/4-5.6G ED IF AF-S DX VR Zoom Nikkor Lens because i can't afford the 18-200mm (see #1) yet and i need a zoom, all-around lens ($213).....
but after much deliberation and reading all the reviews i decided to just forget #2 and #3 and just go ahead and buy #1......... now i'm happy!
well..... almost....... the problem is...... drum roll, please..... do i have the money?
hmm...... i wonder if i'll have a tax refund......... lol
hirap maging dukha...
donations are welcome... LOL
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
ang lamig!
magtatrabaho dapat ako ngayong gabi. i have assignments to do for travel factor. pero lech nangngatog kilikili ko. hindi kaya ng powers ko magta-type at magki-klik ng mouse. letch talaga. etong heater ko dito hindi kinakaya ang lamig sa labas (3 F) . makabili nga ng tower heater.
makahanap na nga ng fafa.
getting bored with...
i'm getting bored with my hair... i'm getting a haircut soon.... but i need to find a salon that can give me my perfect "layered hair".... i miss shawy.... he always cut my hair and i would go all the way to andres bukid (im from makati) just to get a hair cut because he is good! he has been cutting my hair since college... see those pictures? those are shawy's signature "layered"... and that's me back in 2002?
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
pet peeves...
one of my pet peeves is being lied to.
why? because i feel insulted. why again? because it's either:
1. they think i'm stupid
2. they don't trust me that i would understand the situation.