Monday, March 08, 2010

filipinos have a very bad reputation in this country...

it might be just a joke on your part but it was kind of insulting when you asked me if i'm sure i wont turn out like that filipina you saw on tv. if it makes you feel better, i won't marry you, so there's no need to be paranoid about me bumping you for insurance.

i know filipinos have a very bad reputation in this country because they think all of us are just after the "colored" card or the citizenship and i won't deny that there are filipinos who do that. unfortunately, because of that stereotype, even those who are making an honest living, who are educated and have stepped foot in this country because of their special skills and intellect are also stereotyped that way. unfair? yes, but what can we do? we can't make narrow-minded people to open their minds and accept that there are other facts aside from their own.

in the philippines we are not considered rich nor are we considered poor because we own a house (and a few lots) & my parents were able to send me to a very reputable school. unfortunately, in this country's standard, we are still considered poor and that's based on the number of bedroom our house have. we may be considered poor in this country's standard but i wasn't raised to be greedy. i understand if thoughts of me being after your money cross your mind sometimes and it doesn't help that some of your friends think of it that way too. what can i do. i'm a filipino. from a third world very poor country and any one who's from a first-world country tend to look down on us. i cant change that general perception but let me tell you one thing--- my life doesn't revolve around money and i believe in hard earned money. i pride myself as someone independent, i know how to get the things that i want thru hard work and patience and i dont enjoy being a parasite. i hate to burst your bubble, but i don't need you to make my dreams come true....

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