notice the building at the backdrop? yep, SEC.....
i've been trying to reach my ex-partners and doing follow-ups and asking them very politely if they could please send me my copy of the corporate agreement.......... i've been trying to reach them for 5 months now but to no avail........ by the way, just a backgrounder, i'm one of the board of directors of travel factor...... ...well, i used to until they decided to let me go......... which i have now accepted.............. what i can't accept is how they treat me after............
so anyway, i want to give them the benefit of the doubt that they're just busy, that they didn't see my email....that they haven't read my ym messages......... that my email went to their spam folder but i guess 5 months is too much.......... i don't need a novel-like email...... even a simple "ayeen, we're still working on it" or "ayeen, we're still busy" would do...... but to ignore me flat out, that's just mean and rude.............. and to think i haven't done anything wrong to them (as some of you already know, it's the other way around)............
so lil sacheen and i decided to hop on a bus (ortigas ilalim) equipped w/ pamaypay and C2 and went to securities and exchange commission (sec) to request for authenticated copies of all of travel factor's legal documents..................
i've been reading all the documents (by laws, business registration, etc) and i found out that a board of director has more power over the president........... approving compensation is one of them....... and that there's what we call a voting process if there's a need to change the board of director or if his/her term is done......... maybe they did the voting but w/o informing me.........oh well...... what's done is done.......
sorry if this would sound offending to those close to my ex-partners but something fishy is really going on....... i guess that's the reason why they don't want to give me a copy of our corporation's legal documents........ why else would they keep that document from me? but maybe i'm wrong....... i still want to give them the benefit of the doubt........ i'll wait for what they have to say.......
i want to put this to rest, really....... but i just hate it when i'm trying to be civil and trying to be nice to them but they just ignore me............. forgive me, but that does pisses me off............ it's not like i have contacted all their clients and bad mouth them.......... it's not like i asked my friends to boycott them............. i didn't even try to sue them (although i am really tempted)....... the only ugly thing i did to them is that i left for U.S. and that i practiced my freedom of speech..............oh, and yeah........ don't get me started about the liquidation stuff............ let's just say i have asked for update (they don't have to give it to me right away, i just want to be included in the loop about what's going on w/ the liquidation process) but still not a single word...........
i am not writing this to get "kakampi"..............i'm just venting and blogging is my form of therapy.................... and again, like i said before, what i write and don't write isn't anybody's have to understand that this is MY journal................ and i don't want to force my thoughts and opinions on anyone and you are free to bolt out and click the "x" button at the upper right section of your screen anytime if you don't like what you see...............
oh, and this ISN'T public.... all my blogs are just for my contacts...
i did ask them if we could meet (i think that's 2-3 days ago, before i went to sec)..... and guess what? yep, no reply......
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