another beautiful day, the swan thought. she looked down at the water and saw her reflection and she was surprised to see that calm face smiling at her. it's a far cry from what's going on inside her mind. a riot of feelings and thoughts always flood her mind. the swan is restless. she always has been since she made it to this new lake. she knows she's looking for something but she doesn't know what.
she watched the other birds flying above her. are they restless like her and they just kept flying to somehow pacify it, she wonders. she started swimming, well, more like gliding. some are amused how she does it. how she can look so calm above the water. they just don't know. she would be gone for a few days and some of her friends would start wondering. but that's her. she always wants some time alone. alone with her thoughts. alone with her feelings. where she could just scream and cry. oh, ofcourse she wouldn't let anyone hear her scream or cry. she's a proud swan.
she continued swimming. she likes the water, she likes seeing trees and other birds swimming with her. she likes watching other animals walking at the other side. she always has that observant eyes. some would greet her while she passes by and she would always greet them with a smile. that's it, just a smile. she won't dare go near anyone unless she feels she's safe. yes, she always has her guards up. cautious but spontaneous. a very complicated combination.
she continued swimming, her neck up and wings gracefully tucked beside her body. but if you look closer, if you look closer, you would notice that her beak is slightly pointing on the water and you would see a glint of mist in her eyes.
credits: image from http://www.steverutherford.co.uk/
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