*dancing w/ joy*
ok...ok.... backgrounder....
once upon a time, lol..... my friends and i went to franklin mills outlet mall and went inside sam ash store....... the first thing i check out when im inside a music store are guitars, so off i went to that section....... ofcourse there are lots really good guitars but being the cheapskate that i am, i'm still hoping i'll find something cheap but still good.......
and i found this --> http://guitars.musiciansfriend.com/product/Takamine-GS330S-Acoustic-Guitar?sku=516304
it's a takamine gs330s.......... it just plays so beautifully, no scratch that, it is awesome! it was price 50% off because it has a crack on the front panel........ i could have bought it right then and there but my friend told me not to......... to sleep it over and if i still want it then that's the time i should get it........ i followed his suggestion and a month after i still want it! i went again to the same store with my other friends and i was surprised that the guitar is still there....... i asked again for my friend's opinion and while they too are impressed they're not sold on the fact that it has crack.......
and then last week, at ebay i saw "my" guitar again......... so i bid and got it...........it's made in taiwan (they say takamine that's taiwan made is better than korean, i dont have proofs for this though)......... it's in very mint condition and comes with a hard case..........
i'm excited!!!
here's that guitar --> http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&item=120302738553
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