Monday, November 10, 2008

travelling solo is pathetic?

me: i'm going to california, yep, alone
friend: what?!! why? are you a loner?

you should have seen my friend's face...... does it really sound pathetic to travel alone?

ofcourse i enjoy travelling with lots of people, with my friends but i just don't like it when i have to depend and wait for my friends schedules to clear up just so i could travel...........  nah-uh........ travelling is my elixir of life so if i feel like travelling i'll go with or w/o companion........

honestly, i'm not scared and i really don't mind travelling all by myself.........this is not the first time i travelled alone so it's really no biggie for me........ no, i'm not being anti-social again but i do like the feeling of doing things on my own without having to bother anyone...... i feel more accomplished that way....... some just don't understand........

just give me google, my camera and my credit card and i'm good to go....

they won't call me a traveholic for nothing....



Joy joy said...

gets kita. go ayeen! enjoy! ;)

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