Thursday, November 20, 2008

will you marry me?

i was supposed to finish that very long email for my friend but i had to stop when i saw it's already 7:30am and i'm not even halfway done with my kwentos (stories)..... i have to stop or i'll miss my 8am now i'm here at work, i lost the momentum and my train of thoughts so i'm blogging instead......

my morning weekday routines are the same most of the time.....i wake up at 6:30 (if i feel like going to work early) or 7:30 (if i want to get to work just in time)....i wake up 30 minutes earlier than the usual if i wasn't able to take a bath the night before (i take a bath at night) exactly 7:55 (or 6:55am) i hop into the elevator, press the L button and drag myself out the building to the shuttle, passing by the conceirge section........... my favorite part in the morning is exchanging good mornings to our shuttle's driver and my favorite conceirge guy before i get inside the shuttle...... because they would always have interesing remarks and they would usually include me on their conversation, either that or i'm eavesdropping, lol.............

will you marry me?

i actually like that part.... when i have to exchange lil chats from those two guys.... the conceirge guy would always tease me about anything, my boots (wow, i like your boots, i bet that looks better on me) , my hair (what's up with the hairstyle?), why am i smiling like crazy (what happened to you?), my packages (why do you always have big packages?), anything! he wouldn't fail to stop me on my way in or out the building and tell me interesting stories....... one day he even surprised me by asking me if i would marry him while i was on my way in....... i started laughing and he was like "why are you laughing? you're supposed to answer"........ that really cracked me up, he's a funny guy and old (around 55, i think)...........

i commited murder

and the shuttle driver, lol, i used to hate him........... the first time i saw him he was looking at me as if i have commited murder and he wouldn't let me in the bus because he said i'm not a devry student (7:20am bus goes to devry university and my office is 7 minutes away from devry university)..... but when we became friends he would let me take the 7:20am bus (there's really no rule that i can't take that bus even if i'm not a student, that shuttle is for all the tenants... he just doesn't want to displace any students) and if he does he would drop me off right infront of my office building, neat! but i don't want to take advantage of that so i don't take the 7:20am bus that often...... i am just not comfortable when people go out of their way to do something for me, i dont want to be an inconvenience.......


and this is how i learned to curse...

so that's that..... if i'm not taking the 7:20am shuttle (the shuttle to devry) the shuttle would drop us off at the train station ( 5-8 min drive)....then i'll take the R5 train to take me to fort washington (15 min)........

i usually have a co-worker waiting for us at the train station if i take the 8:15 train........ he usually just picks up J, our receptionist but i tag along......... but if i miss them or if i take the earlier train once i hop off the train there's septa bus waiting and that takes me to work, or close to work (it's a 5-min drive).... after i hop off the bus i still need to walk a good 10 minutes before i get to my office.......... i hate that when it's winter time because i keep worrying that i'd slip on the icy ground and bump my head (i'm crazy as it is but i don't want to intensify that by bumping my head).............. and even if there are no snow i still hate walking when the wind is just cruelly strong and chilly, which by the way, was how i learned how to curse, LOL......... stupid super chilly wind.........

ofcourse free food is like manna from heaven!

once i get to the office, i would go to the restroom first, then walk to my cube, take off my jacket then go to the breakroom to make myself some espresso.... then i'll get swiss miss chocolate from the pantry cabinet, pour it on my espresso then i'll add 4 small cups of half and half and voila! my cappuccino! after which i'll get my thermo mug and get myself ice water..... i specially like it when someone leaves food on the table for everyone in the morning, lol...... what can i do, i love to eat..... that's why i'm having a hard time watching my weight, ugh!

so that's morning routine....

do i really need a car?

now when i go home from work i have a co-worker who lives near me and since we take the 309 and i live right beside it all she had to do is to turn right from 309 stop for a bit (at the gate) to let me out and off she goes....... it usually takes just 15 minutes to get home from the office if i get a ride from that co-worker...... if that co-worker is on leave someone would just volunteer to take us (me and J) to the train station (fort washington) to take the R5 again....... once i got off the train i just have to wait for my apartment shuttle to take me home.... usually, if that's the case, it would take me an hour or so before i can get home because of the waiting time and stuff..... but, it's all good...... that's the reason why i really don't need a car yet......

wow! you got to this part! congratulations....... now, go and take advil or whatever for headache, lol
Obedient NonConformist (old blog) © 2008 | Coded by Randomness | Illustration by Wai | Design by betterinpink!